The 8 Types of Love + The 5 Love Languages

Jennifer McDougall
7 min readDec 28, 2021

Humans are addicted to love and can’t get enough of it! When you experience love, your brain produces chemicals that cause happiness and other pleasurable experiences, leaving you wanting more. Receiving or giving flowers is a beautiful way to share these sentiments of affection.

We tend to believe that love only exists between romantic partners, yet this is not the case. Instead, humans can feel eight varieties of love in diverse connections, such as romantic partners, friends, family, and even strangers on the street.

What Is a Love Catalyst and How Does It Work?

A catalyst is defined as “a substance that initiates or accelerates major change or activity.” A love catalyst is a component that improves your experience with a particular form of love. The soul, for example, catalyzes self-love, whereas the mind catalyzes compassionate love. As a result, your catalyst is the agent that causes you to experience a specific form of love — more on that later.

Meet the 8 Different Love Types

Because different forms of love are ignited in different ways, each love has a distinct impact on us. Types of love can have the same impact as a bouquet of flowers, where each bloom represents something different. The eight love types were designed to illustrate the various sorts of love found in any relationship. One thing we find fascinating is how the gift of flowers may increase all kinds of love.

The ancient Greeks studied love and classified it into many types, each Greek name. It’s now time to get to know each sort of love!

1. Philia — Affectionate Love

Philia is a type of love that arises between friends or family members without a romantic interest. It is frequently referred to as “brotherly love” when both persons have the same ideals and respect one other.

The Mind as a Love Catalyst

Your mind explains which of your buddies are on the same page as you and who you can trust.

How to Impress Philia:

  • Engage in an in-depth discussion with a friend.
  • Be honest and reliable.



Jennifer McDougall

Writing about wellness, relationships, & self-improvement. Listen to my podcast: LIFE REFINED & shop all my products here: